Between Andes and The Amazonian Rainforests - Mygreatworld`s Open, Fast and Free Photo-Community For Bolivia

Released on: March 12, 2008, 1:54 am

Press Release Author: Thorsten Scherff

Industry: Consumer Services

Press Release Summary: Just a couple of days after opened up
Belgium to the community now Bolivia fills one of the few remaining gaps in the
worldmap of MyGreatWorld.

Press Release Body:
Haan, Germany, March 11, 2008 -- Even though rich in natural resources Bolivia
struggles hard to find its place in the centre of South America, being more famous
for major archeological monuments than for the vast amounts of iron, magnesium or
natural gas. Outstanding ruins from pre-columbian cultures and famous mines already
known by the Incas are only the creamy top of the highlights waiting to be
discovered by visitors.

Bolivia is world-famous for its varied and distinctive folklore with some of the
annual regional carnivals being No. 1 events in South-America.

Geographically Bolivia offers a surprising variety of different landscapes. Within
the Andes and Altiplano about 80% of Bolivia\'s population lives today but Llanos and
Yungas, too, offer a compelling background for inspiring captures.

Whatever the reason for a visit to Bolivia, photos & information from residents and
those who know the spot are always welcome, both, to make the best out of a trip and
not to miss the secret beauty every location holds: What\'s worth visiting in El
Alto? Where to stay in La Paz? What to do in Oruro? What to avoid on Cochabamba?
Users may depict their recommendations on - For tourists. For
residents. For friends. Worldwide.

The change of Bolivia and its neighbouring states, as they appear today, is
sometimes subtle (and sometimes not). It becomes obvious by comparing the
chronological advancement in housing and construction and the varying styles in
design and architecture. The further an observer is travelling back in time the more
evident growth and progress become. This might be fortunate -- but it is not by

Combining these different approaches (to a vast mass of digital photography laying
dormant on harddrives around the globe), opens up its
services to the community these days to build an online-database of literally any
spot in this country. Even the very streets users are living in are subject to
continuous changes - and to make these trends visible is one of the goals of the

Uploading photos to MyGreatBolivia is map-based, fast and easy allowing the user to
add new spots to the database (cities, points of interest, landscapes) on the fly.
To make the database work, users are asked for the time (year or even better: year &
month) and a category their picture fits in best. Any further description a user
enters will be additionally indexed for key-words. The same goes for the photo\'s
title. Structures and designs are straightforward and comprehensible without
popup-windows or superfluous gadgets.

Is there a typical architecture in a town? Which hotel is it advisable to stay in?
What\'s a commendable cafe, a museum worth seeing or a beautiful landscape in a spot?
The photos might also depict details of a (not) recommendable archaeological site, a
folkloristic event, an interesting building or even 'just' the own road for those
fortunate living in Bolivia.
Users are invited to give a helping hand and insider-guide to future visitors - and
maybe even an eye-opener to residents living nearby.

Retrieving information from the database demonstrates that the sites of offer more than a mere pool of pretty pictures: The Advanced Search
allows for combinations of various search-parameters including the time of the
capture, the motive, the spot, key-words in title or description and even the
filtering for a certain photographer.

Users find at all sites of a solid framework to enrich with their
photos, recommendations and opinions. The site is a young project and there is a lot
of space yet to be filled. This also means users can still be the first to add a new
spot and to present the flair of a place to the world, the ambassador for a town,
landscape or favourite point of interest.

\"The site lives from the users\' engagement and from the belief that on an
international level there are no \'boring\' or unspectacular photos: The world in all
its facets is very well worth seeing and what\'s \'interesting\' is in the eye of the

Descriptions are fine. But hand in hand with pictures, they are better. And at users might use the combination of both.

When Marco Stuewe and Thorsten Scherff called MyGreat into life their aim was to
establish an open and non-commercial platform for every user to share his/her
impressions of any place on earth. They wanted to create a database for all the
international main destinations which would allow for a simple and fast access both
to pictures of a place or landscape and to user-comments on the respective location.

In the course of planning this project, however, they soon had to discover that
there were far more spectacular places in the world than they had dared to imagine -
... and that some other fields of interest would round up their database-project
nicely. Within a time span of just a few days more than 150 Internet-domains were
thought of and registered and are by now constantly and freely offered to the
community for the benefit of everyone.
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Thorsten Scherff
MyGreat GbR
Guetchen 7, Haan 42781
+49 (0) 7000

Web Site:

Contact Details: Thorsten Scherff
MyGreat GbR
Guetchen 7, Haan 42781
+49 (0) 7000

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